COVID-19 Updates

Due to an increase in volume, please be sure to schedule your visit ahead of time. Sometimes we are able to accommodate same day appointments, so please feel free to call us if you don’t see anything available online! In most cases, it is best to schedule at least a week in advance, allowing more time if your schedule is not flexible.   If you are immune compromised, please let us know prior to your appointment so the practitioner can be masked prior to your arrival.

We sincerely thank you for your unending support and look forward to seeing you soon!

Short Overview

We encourage visitors to be safe and stay diligent. We are honored to serve you and will continue to practice in a way that is as safe as possible.

  • As we move forward safely, we continue to respect each guest and their circumstances. At this time masks are optional for our guests as well as the staff. If you are immune compromised or have any concerns, please let us know while booking your appointment so that we can best accommodate you!

Detailed Overview

Here is in-depth look at the precautions we've taken for both our customers and therapists’ continued safety.

  • During most regular business hours you will be greeted by one of our staff member at the front desk. In the case that the door is locked when you arrive (because life happens), please call us to let us know you've arrived.

  • We continue to follow strict cleaning and sanitization protocols , and our tables are protected with a medical grade, waterproof, washable covers. Each treatment room is equipped with a medical grade HEPA filter which runs before, during, and after treatments.

  • After each client, we use disinfecting wipes to clean all door handles, light switches, and highly touched non-porous surfaces throughout the establishment. The treatment rooms are cleaned, sanitized, and mopped with an EPA registered cleaning solution and left to properly ventilate between appointments.

  • Clean laundry is properly folded and stowed away. Used laundry is immediately contained and put directly in the wash.


We are beyond grateful to be back and can't wait to reconnect with you. Thank you!